Tragic Tale of Mali: PETA Decries Neglect and Suffering at Manila Zoo

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has publicly decried the death of Mali, an Asian elephant and long-time resident of Manila Zoo. PETA attributes Mali’s death to “indifference and greed,” criticizing the Manila Zoo and the City of Manila for neglecting their repeated warnings and pleas for her release. According to PETA, Mali’s nearly 50 years of life were marred by isolation in a barren concrete enclosure, devoid of necessary social interactions and proper medical care for her painful foot problems, a common cause of death in captive elephants​​​​.

In 2010, PETA sought Mali’s transfer to a Thai animal sanctuary experienced in caring for elephants previously confined in zoos. Despite assurances of expert involvement, the proposal was never realized. Manila mayor Honey Lacuna argued that transferring Mali, who had been captive since she was 11 months old, was not feasible​​​​. Following Mali’s death, Manila city and zoo officials are considering preserving her remains for display, while also seeking another elephant from the Sri Lankan government, a move PETA strongly opposes due to the risk of repeating Mali’s plight​​​​. The official cause of Mali’s death was cited as congestive heart failure and cancer​​.

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